Abeka Home Schooling Tips
Abeka home schooling occasionally requires some adjustments to prevent a condition that can occur with some children after a prolonged use of this rigid and comprehensive program.
Their homeschool textbooks and resources are quite challenging with many people theorizing that lessons within Abeka's homeschool books are one to two grades more advanced than a typical public school curriculum.
Abeka's home school curriculum which includes student texts, workbooks, and multimedia resources, offers a thorough program, but can lead to what is known as the "Abeka burnout" syndrome for some.

Below are a few tips and strategies that we have used or heard of to make the experience with Abeka homeschool curriculum more enjoyable and the completion of their workbooks, tests, and quizzes more attainable:
- Keep your expenses low - acquire used Abeka books instead of new whenever possible to save on the cost of homeschooling
- Teacher's editions - these extra resources are not always needed so determine if you can adequately teach the material to your child without them
- Answer keys - look into purchasing a basic answer key for certain Abeka science, language or history courses from publishers, such as Christian Liberty Press
- Testing with Abeka - you can also use the chapter reviews and comprehension questions as a means of checking your child's progress if you prefer instead of getting the supplemental student and teacher test materials
- Substitutions - download science or history syllabi online that you can use with your courses if you decide not to purchase the teacher's edition
In addition to the suggestions already given, here are a few others that may help specifically with the teaching aspect of using Abeka home school curriculum.
- Timing - begin teaching with the most challenging subject for your child when he/she will be at their freshest part of the day
- Drills - use these regularly until your child becomes pretty consistent with math facts, for example, then use occasionally as needed for review
- Seatwork - feel free to skip over material your child has already mastered and do not become a slave to the workbook pages
- Chapter reviews - choose to complete some of the chapter review and comprehension questions orally with your child rather than assign more seatwork to them
- Final thought here - much of their curriculum is well-suited for a large classroom setting so keep that in mind as you plan for your smaller homeschool setting
These are a few strategies we have used to prevent the Abeka book "burnout" syndrome that can come from having to complete such a rigorous, demanding curriculum.
Of course, when we needed more breaks from our heavy coursework, we planned a field trip or had an afternoon of educational games or videos rather than complete workbook pages!
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