Abeka homeschooling utilizes a traditional academic method that is very structured and focused on a great deal of drills and repetition. This method of instruction can be very helpful for some learners.
Abeka home school curriculum utilizes a definite Christian, conservative perspective which is clearly seen in all their materials, including their math and science resources.
Some of the advantages seen with using the Abeka homeschool curriculum include benefiting from its:
Orderliness - the Abeka books follow a detailed scope and sequence, building upon the lessons taught in previous grades. They provide student books and systematic parent-teacher helps and guides.
Character Building Content - the materials are honoring to God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit and seek to teach children to respect the Almighty. From the earliest phonics readers on the preschool levels, children are exposed to Scriptures and morally sound stories and characters.
Academic Soundness - an emphasis is placed on laying a solid foundation even in the primary grades and eventually developing college preparedness in high school grades.
Traditional Format - students who use their homeschool textbooks and workbooks can easily transition to a "brick-and-mortar" private school where the Abeka Academy materials may also be in use.
Longevity - the Abeka homeschool curriculum has endured for decades and continues to be a favorite for numerous homeschooling families and Christian schools.
Ultimately, any decision to use the Abeka homeschool curriculum will have to totally fulfill the individual needs of your family. Many homeschoolers have selected it as their curriculum "of choice" for some of the reasons mentioned above.
If you agree that the Abeka homeschooling program has been a benefit to your family, please tell us. If not, we'd like to hear that too, really.
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