You may want to use a complete homeschool curriculum if your time is limited or you don’t want the added task of pulling together several different resources and creating your own homeschool lessons. These books can be a tremendous help from early, middle, and high school grades and subjects.
If that sounds like your situation and you are looking for homeschooling help with curriculum planning that also includes suggested language arts and holiday worksheets, these comprehensive books are great.
Complete Homeschool Curriculum
Many years ago, when I had very young children and was also expecting another child, I came across these "all-in-one" workbooks. Some of the titles were:
Several of these were graded, such as The 2nd Grade Comprehensive Workbook or The Preschool Big Book.
Also, you could get them according to subject areas such as The Phonics Jumbo Workbook or The Language Arts Comprehensive Curriculum.
Places to Find Them
I have found these resources at Wal-Mart, Office Max, and Sam’s Club stores. Most office supply stores and even Target have similar books. You can also order these workbooks online from Amazon.
They were a life-saver for me during that time when I didn't have a lot of time to prepare lessons. The number of pages ranged from sixty to one hundred for the single subjects and smaller books to over six hundred for the larger ones.
Using a comprehensive workbook as an option to homeschool your children can be very helpful when you are unable to create individual homeschool lesson plans for each child. It allows you to be sure that all subjects are being covered and homeschooling requirements are being met.
With this type of resource, everything has already been pulled together for you so you can get on with your commitment to teach your children at home.
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