Fantastic Holiday Worksheets

These free holiday worksheets can make a great addition to your homeschool curriculum. Choose from various printable worksheets in easy PDF format, to introduce or review material for your courses. Your children will have fun while they learn!

Some of the themed activities we have created so far include:


You can use these supplemental worksheets and activities to enrich or review lessons. Also, it can be good to break from your homeschool curriculum during the holidays and do some enjoyable activities as a family.

The design of these freebies is two-fold: easy for the parent-teacher to utilize with any program and enjoyable for the children to use.

We will utilize fill-in the blanks, multiple choice, circling, and similar types of practice. Most will not require an answer key but we will make those available when necessary.

There will also be several "template" forms that can be adopted for use with various occasions. We will be adding printables for winter, New Year's Day, Valentine's Day, and more, soon.

Be sure to tell your friends we are here and check back often to see what's new. You can even request others at the Contact Me page.

Look for several other pages on this site that also offer freebies to add to your home school program.

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