Fulfill Your Home School Music Requirements

Most of us will need to fulfill home school music credits as part of our homeschooling requirements for our state or umbrella school. This can be accomplished in several ways and may include music theory, performance or appreciation.

Many families I know have typically chosen to add piano, violin, cello or guitar instruction to their homeschool lessons. However, everyone may not have access to or the necessary funds to give their children private lessons.

Homeschool Music Options

There are many homeschool curriculum options to consider when looking for a complete homeschool curriculum. Some of the publishers are:

  • Rod and Staff which uses basic flashcards to teach the musical notes, teacher's edition, and student workbook
  • Abeka homeschool curriculum which has a teacher's edition, workbook, and cds
  • Bob Jones University which also has a teacher's edition, workbook, and cds
  • There are also great online music resources

Our Experience

In the past, we have used some of the above-mentioned home school curriculums but since moving to Nashville we participate in a very unique program offered through the W.O. Smith Community Music School.

First, they teach music theory to all the students. Then, they are provided with an instrument if needed and paired with a volunteer musician to receive their private instruction. Chorus and band participation is also available.

It has been said that this is a one-of-a-kind school in the nation but there may be similar types of programs where you live. Also, there might be opportunities through the music departments at colleges or universities in your area.


Some of the character building qualities that can be learned through home school music lessons include:

  • diligence to study hard to improve their skills
  • steadfastness to continue working with a specified instrument
  • responsibility of taking care of instrument and music folder
  • and time management to be sure to practice daily

Look for a quality homeschool music curriculum that will give your child a solid introduction to music. There has been significant amounts of evidences that show the benefits of music instruction. Also, the experience of playing in a group, such as a community or church band or choir, can be invaluable.

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