Use free home school worksheets to add excitement and variety to your existing homeschool curriculum. Whether using Abeka math, Horizons math or another great resource, you can gain help from these supplements or use them for homeschool review.
Another benefit to supplementing with printables is that you can try out other educational interests. This way you can see whether a topic is a "good fit" for your family before committing to an entire purchase.
It's like when your child says he'd like to study genetic research in science. Then, you can download some material on that topic before investing in a replacement home school science curriculum, only to discover he changed his mind!
Most people will purchase these or locate them on the Internet by searching topics such as printable phonics, cursive penmanship, language arts, and others.
Well, look no further because you can find pre-K curriculum through high school supplements here. This page is constantly being updated so check back often.
Some of my other pages with similar resources can be found on these pages:
Also, contact me if you would like to see a particular worksheet included here, just ask and I will try to get it done.
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