Homeschool Courses All
Around You

Homeschool courses do not always have to be the typical math or science studies that we have come to expect. It only takes a little imagination and creativity to develop interesting homeschool programs for your children

For The Girls

If you want to develop a course of study for your girls, you might consider one of these:

  1. use a sporting interest, such as figure skating, to fulfill the physical education requirement, but also include writing assignments, teach math through budgeting for new equipment, and health/nutrition information
  2. utilize a new birth to create a Home Economics program focusing on care of the baby, Mom, and overall helping around the home with shared responsibilities for laundry, cooking, cleaning, and shopping
  3. use an interest in writing to develop a Journalism program by writing a family newsletter, blog, short stories, entering writing contests, and maybe even create a website

For the Boys

These are a few areas that your boys might be interested in:

  1. they might like to remodel or demo a room in the house and use their own tools and do measuring, cutting, sanding, painting, and purchasing materials
  2. they might like to pursue animal studies with a pet of their own (such as a reptile) that they would research the animal's habitat, food, enemies, and be required to build shelter for and care for their pet
  3. a landscaping program would require them to repair/maintain equipment, interview a lawn mower mechanic to help with any issues, and research type of equipment needed

Document Everything

It is important to remember to provide accurate documentation of any homeschool program you develop for your child. This is especially true for the high school grades.

First, be sure to clearly write the objectives of the course so they are known by your child as well as yourself. Next, require your child to complete written work to accompany observations, projects, interviews, and other activities. Lastly, review often and assess with quizzes, exams or reports to determine comprehension of the subject.

These are just a few of the opportunities around us that can easily become homeschool courses. Most anything that you and your children are engaged in can be worked into your homeschool lesson plans.

Be sure to check with your local educational agency or umbrella school to make sure that you are in compliance with their homeschooling requirements for each of the grades represented in your home.

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