Create Homeschool Lessons for Preschoolers

"Keep it simple" when you develop preschool homeschool lessons. At this stage, you are aiming for quality, not quantity! They learn quickly and will continue to learn for the rest of their lives.

I am not suggesting NOT to teach but rather to be mindful of the relationship you can build during this time and not hinder that through piling so much information upon them with your preschool curriculum ideas.

Learning can and should be pleasant for those involved.

Why Develop Homeschool Lessons?

  1. It's great to have a record of which topics have already been covered with your preschool age child
  2. They help you see what still needs to be done
  3. They ensure that you "cover all the bases"
  4. They give you direction as you teach each day and unveil what needs to be accomplished during the year

What Needs to be Covered?

That answer will vary from place to place and from family to family. But, I think most of us can agree on some basic subjects that should be included in a preschool program such as Bible, Character Education, Manners, Citizenship, Math, Phonics and Reading, History or Social Studies, and Science. Other subjects can be included once the basics are in place.

Use Themes or Individual Units

I use relevant themes or units of study in creating our homeschool preschool curriculum program.

  • Decide exactly what you plan to teach
  • Use your state's suggested courses
  • Use online helps such as World Book's course of study
  • Consider purchasing or borrowing books that detail what your child should learn in each grade

Once you determine what your child needs to learn you can develop his/her lessons with inexpensive preschool materials that you purchase or make on your own. As you teach your child keep in mind that you are laying a foundation upon which future studies will be added.

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