CLP Homeschool Science Curriculum

Your homeschool science curriculum requirement can be satisfied with the Christian Liberty Nature Reader series. Simply supplement these with a few additional books from the library to create an entire program.

Although not like the formal, structured Apologia or Abeka science textbooks, these fun, graded readers could also be used to create a full course of study.

What They Offer

The small, softcover books, covering grades kindergarten through five, have great nature stories that most children will enjoy. Each book is age-appropriate so that a student can read their grade level reader with little help from the parent.

They also provide answer keys that give further study and answers to the comprehension questions found in the student text.

Homeschool Curriculum Reviews

Oftentimes this reading series is omitted from many mainstream home school book reviews but it certainly can be used as a complete curriculum. These books can form the basic framework of a homeschool science curriculum and you could add enrichment studies, as needed.

A few ideas include…

  1. Check out a science scope and sequence tool – such as the World Book Course of Study, Kathryn Stout’s "Science Scope" or Hirsch’s "What Your (choose a grade) Grader Needs to Know" series to gain an idea of what might be lacking for a particular grade
  2. Select either textbooks or real books as supplements
  3. Add field trips to extend your studies
  4. Use experiments to stimulate their interest and help them remember concepts
  5. Also let them use writing experiences to retell what they have learned and consider evaluating with tests if required

As long as the specific homeschooling requirements for your state are met, then this can be an option especially in the early grades.

If you want an inexpensive, Christian, home school program then take a look at these nature readers which have many great, wholesome stories from a Creationist viewpoint.

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