Choose a Homeschool Writing Curriculum

How do you choose a homeschool writing curriculum when there are so many choices out there? Do you just close your eyes and blindly select one of the entries under Creative Writing in a current homeschool catalog?

I know, it's not the most scientific method of coming up with your homeschool program but sometimes it seems like there's no other way.

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions

So, how can you decide between Sonlight Curriculum, classical homeschooling, and the other alternatives for a writing course of study?

It definitely helps when you understand the differences AND when you know what you want your child to learn during the year.

Well, that seems like a good place to start, then. You must first decide exactly what you want your child to learn and maybe a logical order in which to present the material.

Course of Study

A typical plan might include the following topics...

  • Learn Parts of Speech
  • Learn Capitalization and Punctuation Rules
  • Learn Proofreading Techniques & Symbols
  • Learn Descriptive, Informative, Narrative and Persuasive Writing Skills
  • Learn Technical Writing Like Outlines and Research Papers

There are also other areas of concentration such as studying Shakespeare or the Classics, oral presentations, and online writing programs.

We have used many different writing programs during our junior and senior high years. Some of them have been Robinson Curriculum, Sonlight Curriculum, Bob Jones University Press, Write Source: Writer's Inc., and Wisdom Words which is a part of the Weaver Curriculum from Alpha Omega Publishers.

As I said, you must first determine what concepts you want your child to learn and then locate the resource that is best suited to your style of teaching and your child's style of learning.

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