Knowing exactly when and how to start home schooling your young child can be tough to figure out, sometimes. No one wants to introduce homeschool kindergarten curriculum too soon or wait too long and miss some of those "teachable moments."
Timing is always important. The when should be as soon as your child is capable of sitting attentively for fifteen to twenty minutes a session and can follow directions. It is also the right time when your child starts asking you the names of letters numbers or colors.
The how is to keep it as simple as possible so it remains enjoyable for both of you. As soon as s/he no longer enjoys the teaching session, it is time to quit for that period.
Unfortunately, it's been said that parents often see their child's interest in learning and rather than "flame the fire" to inspire them, they "throw a log on it," killing all desire to learn.
Then, just as they start homeschooling, their child's love for learning is squelched and they must try to recapture their initial desire to learn.
You can purchase a full homeschool kindergarten curriculum or develop your own using free homeschool worksheets and real books at the public library. Just be sure to include many fun activities so he continues to be excited about learning.
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