Montessori Home School

Montessori home school? What exactly does that look like? Is it even possible? Which types of homeschool curriculum would work best with this educational philosophy?

montessori home school

How It Began

"Maria Montessori, MD was the first woman to receive an MD degree in Italy. She has inspired people around the world, for over 100 years, basing education on observation of children to discover their needs, rather than on a curriculum. She discovered that long periods of concentration on purposeful work involving both the mind and the body (real work, not TV or computers) heals the child mentally and physically."

- quoted from

Are her philosophies compatible with what you thought about
how to homeschool? What about those who start homeschooling for religious reasons?

Born in 1870, she worked in the fields of psychiatry, education, and anthropology. She believed that each child is born with a unique potential to be revealed, rather than as a "blank slate" waiting to be written upon.

The Approach

montessori home schoolDr. Montessori is credited with developing and introducing a unique style of learning for children, rather than just teaching at them. She advocated a child-centered, not adult-centered approach which includes:

  • art, music, and dance expression
  • durable, child-sized toys
  • cooking experiences
  • freedom to engage in life skills such as cooking, cleaning or gardening
  • caring for others
  • outdoor play and appreciation for nature


There are specific age-appropriate toys, books, and materials that prescribe to this style of learning. Many of these can be found online and purchased from sites such as

montessori home school The "age levels" within this program include infant, toddler, preschool or kindergarten, and elementary stages of discovery.

Some very important aspects of this mode of learning include self-expression, appreciation for others and nature, and multi-sensory stimulation.

Ultimately, the premise is that through allowing a child to experience life, manipulate quality resources, with guidance but not interference from adults, that child can gain confidence and strong character.

Role of the Adult

In order to comply with these principles and create a Montessori home school atmosphere, you would have to learn to "teach" by observing your child and realizing how s/he learns best.

I am deliberately referring to the process as the child learning rather than YOU teaching!

Montessori Home School

For those who would choose this method as the basis for their home school preschool or above, it would look like this:

  • you would have to provide as many hands-on opportunities as possible for the child to learn and discover
  • you would allow your child to accompany you and be involved in acquiring life skills at home and outside the home
  • you must provide child-size furniture and materials to aid your children in performing tasks on their own
  • you must allow your child to enjoy concentrated periods of time to fully experience the things that interest him
  • you would provide an orderly arrangement of furniture and resources creating a peaceful area for learning
  • you would be available to offer help as needed

Hmm? Sounds a lot like what homeschoolers are already striving to do, huh?

Are you controlling the learning environment and adhering to Dr. Montessori's philosophy of allowing your child to learn by doing? Contact me and let me know what you are doing, please.

Perhaps this is why Montessori home school is becoming so popular within the homeschooling community.

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