An Online Home School Education with Internet Games

An online home school education can be accomplished inexpensively when you use Internet games and activities such as those found at

These games are easyonline home school education to locate on the web and many are free. They offer a variety of subject areas from general subjects such as math and science to more specialized interests like art and music.

Your child will also enjoy using the computer to play online games or even complete high school courses online. You might have to pry him/her away from the computer! Really.

Features of Online Games

  • offers interactive play for your child on multiple levels so he can constantly be challenged
  • covers all ages and subjects
  • gives immediate answers or responses
  • builds speed and accuracy as they try to complete levels in the games
  • increases in difficulty to prevent boredom
  • play against others or the computer

Many games are keyed to the national educational standards. Some of the games we have used have been in the areas of math, science, Bible, geography, writing, and typing.

Choosing Games

Some things to look for when choosing online games include:

  • does the game look like fun to you
  • will it enhance what you are studying
  • does it support your values
  • is it age-appropriate for your child
  • will it require strategy or merely luck
  • will it encourage your child to excel

You do not have to purchase an online homeschool curriculum to benefit from games online. Games can be a terrific blend of entertainment and education for your home school course of study.

Your child will retain more and may practice longer and harder while playing Internet games. They are more educational than most "hand-held" games your child already owns but can still be as enjoyable!

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