Preschool Homeschool Curriculum
Preschool homeschool curriculum is so thrilling to teach! They are so young, so eager, and we want to give them so much! But, don't. Just give them what they need for this age. Be very discriminating in the home school preschool materials you choose for your child.

The basic subjects are sufficient for now. So, give them Bibleinstruction and the three R's: Readin', Ritin', and 'Rithmetic.
Bible or Character Education
- Read a Bible story to your young learner each daily using a children's version
- Color a related picture and have him/her recall the details of the Bible account
- Create a project or craft and allow him to display it for others
- Dress up as a Bible character and retell the story
- Teach the alphabet using multiple senses
- Teach short vowels using flash cards
- Teach consonant blends and make picture books
- Teach short vowel words like in the words cat, hat, and sat
- Teach long vowels like in the words cake, bake, and pail
- Teach "high frequency" words using word lists, flashcards, and worksheets
- Teach handwriting skills using dry-erase boards and worksheets
- Count all types of things around the house
- Teach to recognize numbers shown on flashcards
- Show a number on a flashcard and have child draw that number of items on a markerboard
- Trace and write numbers
- Recite numbers to one hundred
- Do simple word problems using "real things" like blocks or coins
History and Science
Later on, history and science can be added to your preschool curriculum with "real books" rather than textbooks. Choose a historical figure, time period or event to read about and discuss with your young learner.
In science, select an animal, part of the body or the solar system to study. Find the best resources such as colorful and interesting books that your child will enjoy. Include projects or lapbooks to this learning experience for even more fun.
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