Enjoy Great Books with Sonlight Homeschool Curriculum

The Sonlight Homeschool Curriculum publishers have included some really great books in their materials. They offer a unique blend of Christian and secular resources to fully expose their families to different perspectives of historical and current issues.


Their program includes interesting reading selections for students on an age-appropriate grade level or ability. Parents or an older sibling should read the read-alouds which are written on a slightly higher level than the child's grade but is still suitable for their comprehension levels.

They believe that children can be encouraged to "love to learn" by independently reading wonderful books and listening to more challenging ones during read-aloud times with the family!

Here are just a few points worth mentioning about their program:

  • their primary resources stress a study of history
  • they emphasis literature and include a formal homeschool writing curriculum
  • their program can be adapted to use with multiple grades and ages of children
  • they have an outrageous satisfaction guaranteed refund policy if you don't love their home school books

You will quickly develop a family library that will be the envy of your friends and family when you purchase their books.

So, if you select Sonlight curriculum you gain a terrific set of books, have help with your child's homeschool writing curriculum, utilize fantastic daily homeschool lesson plans, and have an unbeatable return policy when you choose Sonlight!

Is there any wonder why they are a favorite among many home educating families?

If you utilize their approach to home schooling, your child/ren will be exposed to terrific reading selections covering many religions, cultures, and peoples.

They will quickly learn to love learning and will be so excited when that next shipment of books is delivered to your home!

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