Add a Spelling Worksheet to Your Homeschool Lesson Plans

Does spelling come naturally to your child? If not, consider using a spelling worksheet or game in addition to your current homeschool lesson plans for English.

Include homeschool worksheets for variety in your homeschool lessons and to give your child another opportunity to practice and review his weekly spelling words.

Look at this language arts worksheets page if you have an older student who still needs help with challenging words.

I have included worksheets and activities to use as supplements to help your child improve his spelling and gain more confidence in writing.

Create Your Own Worksheets

How? Start with a list of words from your homeschool curriculum or develop your own list for your child to study. Then, look for as many creative ways as possible to have him/her trace, write, underline or define the words. You see what I mean?

Here are some suggestions to get you started:

  1. Alphabetize words
  2. Divide words into syllables
  3. Practice writing words 3x each
  4. Use each word in a sentence or try to use entire list of words in a story
  5. Unscramble words and write correctly using best cursive penmanship handwriting

These are just to get you thinking about the many ways to help your child painlessly study those spelling lists. However, if time is an issue and you need even more help than these suggestions, there is still hope.

Use the free printables that are available on the Internet and download and/or print free, homeschool worksheets from your computer!

A quick Google search will turn up more sites than you would possibly need so I will mention one here that I hope you will find as helpful as I did. Look at the resources at Spelling-Words-Well to find interesting and original freebies including:

  • graded worksheets
  • spelling strategies and tips for parents/teachers
  • spelling games
  • online quizzes and more

She also recently added a terrific eBook for grades one and two called Fun Spelling Worksheets that can be ordered from her site. It includes lots of fun, original games and activities.

Whether your child is struggling with spelling or it happens to be his/her best subject, try a printable spelling worksheet or one that you create yourself.

Use these supplementary exercises as a creative method to give your child more practice using his weekly words so he can get that high score on his next test.

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