Time4Writing is Wonderful!

by Katie

Used Time4Learning with 7th grader

We are very comfortable turning to our computers and the Internet for our homeschool needs. When I noticed that my oldest son (age 12) was interested in creative writing, but struggling with the mechanics (grammar, sentence structure, etc.), we checked into Time4Writing.

My son did his first eight week course this past spring (he completed the course at the end of April 2012) and he really enjoyed it. As soon as we used the course descriptions to determine where he needed to start (we started him with Middle School Basic Mechanics), he was able to jump right in. The schedule for the course is laid out really well, so he was always able to tell what he had coming up and which week he would cover a particular lesson.

He had a certified teacher to help him during his course. He could ask her questions via email, and she always responded fairly quickly. When she checked his assignment, she was always very clear about what corrections he needed to make and what his overall grade on each assignment was. At the end of the course, he received a certificate showing he completed the course, showing his final grade and showing how many credit hours he earned during the course.

As much as my son was comfortable being accountable to someone other than Mom or Dad for a short time, I was appreciative of that as well, and was grateful for a little break in my homeschool burden. :)

I would definitely recommend Time4Writing for any student who is comfortable with online learning, and who can log on and work independently.

We were very satisfied with our experience, and plan on enrolling our son in another course over the summer!

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