Sell Your Used
Homeschool Books

"Where do you sell your used homeschool books?" That is the second most commonly asked homeschooling question I get asked by friends and other home schoolers. I'll share the number one question at the end, so keep reading.

Just recently, I got into a discussion about selling used home school curriculum with two friends while waiting for my children to finish their music lessons. These questions increase when the weather becomes warmer during spring and summer months.

Online Places to Sell

You could do an Internet search for various sites to sell your homeschool curriculum. However, some specific places that have worked well for me include:

  • Homeschool Swap
  • eBay
  • email lists or forums of the particular curriculum you want to sell, for example, sellers of Alpha Omega or Abeka homeschool curriculum could join their Yahoo groups
  • local home school organization or support group's classified ads on their website
  • for local or national sales

The Internet is a terrific place to sell your used home school books because of the vast exposure. But if you prefer, there are other choices, too.

Offline Places to Sell

  • local classified ads
  • yard sale if you can attract enough homeschoolers
  • email list of sale items and take them to your next homeschool activity
  • post for sale items on bulletin board after your child's next gymnastics or dance lessons
  • be creative--you never know who else may also be homeschooling their children

Most of all, have integrity in your used books transactions. Make sure the items are clean and free of marks or be sure to disclose that information to potential buyers. Be diligent to send the books quickly after receiving their check, money order or PayPal funds.

Oh, for those who read from the top, The number one homeschooling question is...

"What do your children do for socialization?"

But, I suspect you probably already figured that out!

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